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D-flight provides the accredited user with a set of products aimed at the safe use of UAS vehicles and fleets within the various operating scenarios. The set of services is designed to guarantee the user levels of automation and ease of use in accordance with the typical characteristics of the UAS sector.

Visitors accessing the portal of d-flight can freely consult the information collected within the different sections of the site and read up on the flight of UAS, their use, standard scenarios and applicable rules. Moreover, d-flight provides the following free services to the public:

  • Map visualization to identify accessible zones
  • Weather Service (work in progress)

Registering at the UTM service the d-flight services, the user is able to access the following services, depending on the subscription:

Many other services will be progressively made available to registered users, in line with the roadmap of  (


With the maps of this version of d-flight, the process of geo-referenced representation of the "Air Rules" applicable in Italy to support geo-awarness continues, based on the current legislation issued by ENAC portal, in particolare il Regolamento UAS-IT e la Circolare ATM-09, per l’impiego dei mezzi a pilotaggio remoto (UAV). 

Su d-flight è oggi disponibile una mappa tematica di sintesi che indica le regole dell’aria per lo spazio aereo al di sotto dei 120 metri, in relazione ai seguenti elementi:

Cartographic Elements Data Source Status on
d-flight december 2020
Visible / Deactivable for PRO User
Airports and civil heliports (IFR e VFR) AIP ITALIA AD.2 ON
Military airports for civil use CIRCULAR ATM09 annex f ON
eliavioidro authorized surfaces DB ENAC ON
ATZ e CTR, where established AIP ITALIA AD.2 ON
Military airports AMI data processed in attachment A ON
Regulated AirSpace for the activities of:
Skydiver launch ;
Acrobatic Flight;
Aeroclub and aerial work;
Sports Recreational Flight.
ENR 5.5.1,
ENR 5.5.2,
ENR 5.5.3,
ENR 5.5.4
Prohibited areas (P) AIP ITALIA ENR 5.1.1 ON
Regulated areas ( R) AIP ITALIA ENR 5.1.2 ON
Dangerous areas (D) AIP ITALIA ENR 5.1.3 ON
Military firing ranges AIP ITALIA ENR 5.2.1 ON
Dedicated areas to military APR AIP ITALIA ENR ON
Low-altitude military activity areas AIP ITALIA ENR ON
Dedicated areas AMI ENR (MIL AIP) data ON
Natural parks and areas subject to wildlife protection AIP ITALIA ENR 5.6.1 ON
ATM-09 D-flight processing of the circular starting from the above data ON V/D
Natural parks and areas subject to wildlife protection - integrative layer National Cartographic Portal ON V
Census layer ISTAT 2011 census data ON V/D
Ground use layer CORINE Land Cover 2018 ON V/D

How to consult the Air Rules

Depending on the position of the cursor on the map, clicking with the right button of the mouse (or tapping on the screen on the interested point and selecting the icon info (i) on mobile devices) the information concerning the overlying air space will appear. In case of overlapping of different rules, the most restrictive is applied. Pop-up appears by clicking on the map with the mouse and it states:

  • Maximum height allowed
  • Air rule, specific for the selected point
  • In Interested Areas the identification data are shown to facilitate the User in the eventual request for authorization to fly on that specific area. Below is the navigable list of all the other areas that are intersected by the selected point that can be used for detailed analysis by expert users.

Regulatory sources

d-flight user is required to know the basic regulatory documents, such as:

  • Regolamento (EU)n. 947/2019;
  • Regolamento ENAC UAS-IT;
  • ENAC Regulation “Regole dell’Aria Italia” (RAIT);
  • ENAC Regulation “Servizi di Traffico Aereo”.

The entire list of sources can be consulted on the ENAC website at the link

E’ inoltre buona norma consultare i documenti pubblicati da ENAV GROUP in AIP Italia, dove è possibile accedere gratuitamente dopo una semplice registrazione. Infatti, l’attuale versione delle Mappe d-flight non riporta ancora in modo puntale (cioè nel pop-up attivo cliccando sulla mappa), le indicazioni calendariali (orari e giorni) che in alcuni casi consentono il volo, come ad esempio specificato in ENR 5.6.1 “Parchi naturali e zone soggette a protezione faunistica”. Per conoscere questi dettagli è, per ora, necessario consultare lo specifico documento ENR di riferimento. Per accedere alla cartografia AIP occorre consultare il sito ENAV GROUP all’indirizzo:

Ban on flying over gatherings:

Flying over gathered people for processions, sporting events or inherent forms of entertainment or in any case areas where unusual concentrations of people occur is prohibited. The aforementioned rule also applies to operations conducted in enclosed spaces.

Prima di utilizzare un drone è importante informarsi e comprendere la normativa vigente dell’aviazione civile, anche se il volo è a scopo ricreativo. È responsabilità dell’operatore accertare che il volo avvenga in sicurezza e in ottemperanza alla normativa. L’attenta osservazione del contesto in cui si intende volare e l’esatta conoscenza delle condizioni metereologiche e geomagnetiche, assicura che l’uso del drone non costituisca un pericolo per se stessi e per gli altri.
d-flight non si assume alcuna responsabilità rispetto all’inosservanza delle normative applicabili e ad un uso improprio dei droni. 

2. Maps and Layers for PRO Users

On d-flight, in addition to Maps which are accessible to all registered users, the following maps and added value layers are instead available to PRO users only:


  • 'Aerial' - This map shows orthophotos: geometrically correct and geo-referenced aerial photographs, so that the scale of representation of the photograph is uniform. The map can be considered equivalent to a geographical map
  • 'Road' - This map that displays vectorial images of roads, buildings and geography in a graphic manner. The map can be considered equivalent to a political map.
  • 'Aerial Street' - This Aerial map highlights streets and main landmarks for easy identification of places through satellite images (in addition to the openstreetmap, already available on d-flight)
  •   'Dark' - Map optimized for night viewing

'Aerial', 'Road', 'Aerial Street', 'Dark' Maps include Google Bing data (the data from which the default road map is rendered is licensed by Navteq) and will allow PRO Operators to analyze in more detail the area of ​​operations.


To activate Maps, open the Map Selection Panel [Pic. 1] and click on the desired Map.



  •   'Land use' - includes information relating to the environment on some priority issues for the European Union (air, water, soil, land cover, coastal erosion, biotopes, etc.)
  •  'Census' - includes information on the number of inhabitants by census section

The 'Land use' layer includes data provided by the CORINE 2018 project (a European program launched in 1985 by the European Commission) and will allow PRO Operators to carry out a preliminary analysis of the ground risk for the preparation of the SORA.

The 'Census' layer includes the ISTAT data from the 2011 census and will allow PRO Operators to carry out a preliminary analysis of the ground risk for the preparation of the SORA

Per attivare i layer Uso suolo e Censimento , occorre cliccare sul tasto ‘Show Layers’ e selezionare il Layer ‘Suolo’ e/o ‘Censimento’ [Fig. 2]. NB. I layer ‘Uso Suolo’ e ‘Censimento’ sono visibili quando lo zoom è pari o superiore 1:20.000 (Uso Suolo) o 1:50.000 (Censimento).


For the tutorial on the use of Maps and Layers for PRO users, see the video.

3. Registration

La procedura di registrazione permette agli utenti interessati all’impiego dei droni di accreditarsi sul portale d-flight per l’accesso ai servizi riservati agli operatori. La procedura di registrazione avviene tramite verifica della mail principale collegata al profilo dell’utente.
Gli utenti accreditati sul portale potranno accedere ad altri servizi, già disponibili o che verranno progressivamente rilasciati nei prossimi mesi.

Account management includes:

  • Visualization and interrogation of the Aeronautical Maps with the regulated areas for the drones flight
  • Display and query of temporary airspace reserves
  • Navigating the map with usual WebGIS tools
  • Creation, modification and cancellation of temporary airspace reserves. This service is reserved for users with particular "authority" credentials; this service allows the authorities to graphically identify temporarily reserved areas (No Fly Zone) in which the use of drones for recreational or professional use is temporarily forbidden. In these areas, however, drones may be used for public utility services, emergency management or civil protection interventions.
  • Profile management: Authenticated users are able to easily manage their personal information and flight qualification, qualifications and licenses, in order to place their skills within a "Virtual Curriculum"
  • Fleet management: Users can modify the data associated with their drones, with the exception of intrinsic features such as: brand, model, serial number and configuration. The operator may also make a drone available to another user (temporary assignment)
  • Rilascio QR Code: L’impiego degli UAS prevede l’apposizione sul mezzo di un “QR Code Operatore” (cfr. Enac UAS-IT art.6 ed art.9). Tale QR Code, rilasciato all’atto della registrazione dell’utente come operatore UAS sul portale d-flight, contiene il codice identificativo EASA come da normativa (EU)n. 947/2019.

4. Registration for PA

In case of registration as a "Public Administration":

  • methods of payment for the services, in addition to credit cards, include bank transfers (IBAN: D-Flight Spa, Banca Intesa SanPaolo IT77W0306903390100000002200);
  • invoice will be issued in "split payment" mode.

The following e-mail box is also active dedicated to Public Administration is also active for:

  • issue of a quote / quote order, invoice in advance of the transfer, or any supporting documentation (e.g. internal order, DURC, traceability of financial flows, etc.);

N.B. Support requests addressed by the user to said mailbox, unless related to the P.A. will not be considered, in such cases, please contact d-flight through the form available at this link

5. Identification


The service allows the authority or the private citizen to know some data concerning the vehicle, its operator and its owner, through the d-flight platform. For private citizens, reading a QR-Code, through the reader on d-flight platform, gives access to the information of validity (or not) of the code. While reading the code through a common reader, gives back the license number of the RPA and a link that can be pasted in the web-app to have info on the validity of the code.

For authorities, reading a QR-Code will give access to the information related to the vehicle, its use and the relevant data of the operator and the owner (if different from the operator). In any case, the privacy of d-flight users is protected, in compliance with current regulations.

6. QR-Code

Il “QR-Code Operatore” è un codice alfanumerico che consente di identificare univocamente un operatore UAS.
Come specificato negli art.6 e 9 del Regolamento ENAC UAS-IT:

  • UAS le sui operazioni ricadono nel Regolamento (UE)n. 947/2019 – Ai sensi dell’Allegato IX del Regolamento Basico N. 1139/2018, gli operatori di UAV hanno l’obbligo di registrarsi, anche ai fini dell’identificazione e dell’imputazione delle responsabilità civili e penali, sul portale D-Flight e di apporre il codice identificativo QR sull’UAV.
  • UAS le cui operazioni ricadono nel Regolamento (UE)n. 2018/1139 art. 2 comma 3(a) – Gli operatori di UAV nel caso di svolgimento di operazioni in categoria aperta oppure in categoria specifica con SAIL inferiore a V hanno l’obbligo di registrarsi sul portale D-Flight nella sezione a loro dedicata e di apporre il codice identificativo QR sull’UAV.
Per attivare il “QR Code Operatore” è necessario essere registrati sul portale d-flight ed aver attivato un abbonamento base o pro. Occorrerà poi compilare l’apposita scheda “Op. SAPR” accessibile da “Account” fornendo i dati richiesti come riportato nel manuale utente – sezione 1.5.4.

Ai fini della fruizione dei servizi di DOA, DOP e Tracking offerti dalla piattaforma, è inoltre richiesta l’associazione ad ogni singolo mezzo di un “QR Code UAV” da generare sul portale all’atto dell’inserimento in flotta del drone, così come roportato nel manuale utente – sezione 1.7.4.


7. Declaration

Come definito nell’Art. 7 del Regolamento ENAC UAS-IT (cfr. Normative), le dichiarazioni devono essere presentate dall’operatore, prima di iniziare le operazioni, unicamente utilizzando il portale D-Flight. Ciò al fine di effettuare missioni VLOS in categoria specifica,  in accordo agli scenari standard IT-STS-01 ed IT-STS-02 definiti da ENAC (cfr. Standard Scenarios).

Per effettuare una dichiarazione occorre aver già eseguito il pagamento ad ENAC della tariffa prevista, secondo quanto riportato sul sito dell’Ente all’indirizzo:

Inoltre nella web-app d-flight è necessario:

  • Essere registrati come operatore di UAS/SAPR per uso professionale;
  • Nella sezione ‘Dettagli Account’ – aver inserito tutte le informazioni necessarie contenute nella pagina dell’account (inclusa la pec) ed aver flaggato tutti i consensi richiesti;
  • Nella sezione ‘Gestione droni’ – avere in status ‘pronto al volo’ almeno un drone con QR-Code UAV ad uso professionale;
  • Inserire i dati richiesti nella pagina di inserimento della Dichiarazione sulla web-app d-flight.

For authorities, reading a QR-Code will give access to the information related to the vehicle, its use and the relevant data of the operator and the owner (if different from the operator). In any case, the privacy of d-flight users is protected, in compliance with current regulations.

8. Drone Operation Area


Il servizio Drone Operation Area per missioni VLOS nella categoria OPEN ha una duplice valenza:

  • allows the Operator to quickly check the compatibility between a flight area VLOS con le limitazioni nell’utilizzo dello spazio aereo;
  • makes available the "missions" in progress, displayed anonymously on the map of the d-flight portal, to all accredited users.

The service is not mandatory, but it constitutes an important contribution to situation awareness regarding the flight area in which the user is interested, allowing him to find out if there are already active VLOS missions at the same time and in the same space.

All Operators in possession of an active QR Code associated with a drone in a 'ready to fly' status can access the Drone Operation Area creation and activation service.

Through the service it is possible to:

  • create the Drone Operation Area in advance and save it, and then activate it at the time of flight;


  • create and activate the Drone Operation Area directly on the mission site.

To activate the Drone Operation Area , it is necessary:

  1. activate geo-location on the device used (PC or smart-phone) and share the position with the browser;
  2. be fisically located within the >Drone Operation Area>;
  3. click on ‘activate’ in the Drone Operation Area menu.

Only upon activation, the Drone Operation Area will become visible on the map to all dflight users logged into the portal.

Only one Drone Operation Area can be active or saved at a time.

Nel dettaglio, con questo servizio l’Operatore, dopo aver selezionato l’UAV da impiegare, precedentemente inserito in flotta, disegna su mappa la zona dove vorrà svolgere la propria missione VLOS. La missione potrà essere salvata (e attivata) solo se rispetterà le limitazioni nell’utilizzo dello spazio aereo presenti nella zona interessata.

The display by other users will be anonymous, as the system will not present any data concerning the user (including drone) who planned and activated the mission. The system will not display the exact position of the drone within the Drone Operation Area , and no alarm will be generated regarding the failure to respect the planned parameters. It will be the pilot's obligation to remain in the planned area, comply with and comply with the flight rules applied to the area of ​​interest.

At the end of the mission, the Operator will have to click "end" in the Drone Operation Area panel, and the area will no longer be visible to other users. If this is not done, the system will remove this area automatically after a time-out time from the start.


For the tutorial about the usage of the Drone Operation Area, see the video

9. Mobile app


D-flight Mobile App allows you to view the d-flight platform on Mobile, allowing access to the following services in particular:

10. Drone Operation Plan


Il servizio “Drone Operation Plan” (DOP) permette all’operatore PRO di pianificare e verificare in modo rapido, in caso di operazioni appartenenti alla categoria specifica (BVLOS non standard, BVLOS con scenario PDRA, VLOS non standard, VLOS con scenario standard), la compatibilità tra la propria area di missione e:

  • le caratteristiche del drone selezionato per la missione
  • i vincoli dell’ATM09 e NFZ
  • le missioni di altri utenti
  • la documentazione a corredo della missione.

Al tempo stesso, attraverso questo servizio sarà disponibile sulla mappa del portale d-flight il panorama delle missioni in corso. Infatti, in ottica di situation awareness:

  • gli utenti PRO loggati potranno sempre avere il quadro delle missioni in corso, in forma pseudo-anonima (ID operatore ed ID pilota)
  • gli utenti PRO, attraverso un layer attivabile/disattivabile (ovvero non fisso sulla mappa), potranno visualizzare il quadro delle missioni BVLOS con scenario PDRA pianificate nelle successive 24 ore.

Per visualizzare le missioni attive su mappa e anche quelle pianificate sul layer dedicato, occorre avere uno zoom pari o superiore a 1:25000.

Ulteriori dettagli sulle missioni sono presenti nel Manuale Utente, al capitolo 2 – disponibile a this link.

Il servizio è obbligatorio per i soli operatori che vogliono effettuare operazioni BLOS con scenario PDRA. In particolare, come indicato nella linea guida ENAC,

After obtaining the authorization from ENAC for operations in line with the published PDRAs, the operator must:

  • Caricare l’autorizzazione ottenuta sulla piattaforma d-flight, associandola alla missione da pianificare nell’apposita scheda “autorizzazioni”
  • Starting 4 days before the operation and up to a maximum of 24 hours before the operation itself, access the Drone Operation Plan Service to compile and save the UAS operation plan of the specific work session (maximum duration of the operation 4 hours)
  • Submit the plan of operations in order to verify the absence of overlap with other BVLOS operations. The results of the verification of the absence or presence of overlaps will be communicated in real time by e-mail, by sending an e-mail to the address used for registration on d-flight. In case of overlap with other previously submitted BVLOS operations, it will be necessary to change the date / time of your operation, save it and resubmit it. We remind users that even for the mission change, the time constraints related to the insertion of the flight plan still remain to be respected: starting from 4 days before the operation and up to a maximum of 24 hours before the start of the operation itself.

The detailed instructions for accessing the Service, completing and submitting the plan are given in Chapter 2 of the User Manual HERE

11. Tracking_v0 e Tracking_v1

The "Tracking - V0" serviceallows the user to share his/her position with d-flight. The position will be shared on the map, in pseudo-anonymous form (the license plate of the drone will be shown for the traces relating to the Drone Operation Plan, the user ID for the traces relating to the Drone Operation Area), with all other users logged in to the portal in relation to the area of ​​interest, with a view to situation awareness.

In particular, Italy has been divided into different areas, which characterize it in geographical cells. System users geo-located in the same cell or geographic area, who view maps with a zoom equal to or greater than 1: 25000, will be able to view the tracks of other d-flight users.

The position will be accompanied by the following information:

  • drone license plate or User ID
  • position

The tracks will be shown in green, red, orange or gray, depending on the "status" with respect to the planned mission:

  • green track: no anomalies
  • red track: the position is within a no-fly area (i.e. NFZ / ATM09)
  • orange track: the position is outside the planned area
  • gray track: data transmission error

In order to activate the “Tracking – V0” service, the user has to accept to share the position from its device and when it is time to start the planned mission or DOA, the user has to access the DOP or DOA service from laptop, Mobile or Mobile App and start the mission by clicking on "Start" .

The Tracking_v0 service will then be interrupted upon completion of the mission or upon exceeding the mission end date / time.

The "Tracking - V1" service, allows the user to share the position of their drone with d-flight. The position will be shared on the map, in pseudo-anonymous form (the license plate of the drone will be shown for the traces relating to the Drone Operation Plan, the user ID for the traces relating to the Drone Operation Area), with all other users logged in to the portal in relation to the area of ​​interest, with a view to situation awareness.

In particular, Italy has been divided into different areas, which characterize it in geographical cells. System users geo-localized in the same cell or geographical area, who view maps with a zoom equal to or greater than 1: 25000, will be able to view the tracks of other d-flight users, and the position of the drones in flight.

The position will be accompanied by the following information:

  • drone license plate or User ID
  • coordinates (Lat / Lon) of the drone's position
  • Mission Status
  • Duration of Mission
  • Start / End date
  • Quote

The drone tracks will be shown in addition to the pilot's position (fixed) joined by a line that qualitatively shows the distance between the two and allows you to recognize the position of the pilot associated with the operation.

The drone track is represented by a dashed line and is also highlighted with the following colors green, red, orange or gray, depending on the "status" of the planned mission:

  • green track: no anomalies
  • red track: the position is within a no-fly area (i.e. NFZ / ATM09)
  • orange track: the position is outside the planned area
  • gray track: data transmission error

To activate the "Tracking - V1" service, or to send the position, it is necessary

  • equip your drone with a device capable of sending all the necessary information to d-flight in the exact format (as described in the interface document available at this link)
  • or equip your GCS with an application capable of sending all the necessary information to d-flight in the exact format (as described in the interface document available at this link)

and accept the sending of the position by your device, if you also want to share the position of the pilot (tracking V0) at the date and time scheduled for the mission, access the "Drone Operation Plan" or "Drone Operation Area" service from a laptop or Mobile or Mobile App and start the mission (by clicking on Start) by selecting the start option with tracking.

The Tracking service on the pilot position will then be interrupted upon completion of the mission, by selecting the option to deactivate the service or on log-out from the platform. The drone position tracking service must be interrupted by the device (drone or GCS) that sends the messages at the end of the mission.

12. GNSS RT Monitoring


The GNSS Real Time Monitoring service is dedicated to PRO users only.

This service allows users to view on the map an indication of any malfunction status of the GNSS signal.
The service can be accessed by right-clicking on the map: if the GNSS signal is corrupted (e.g. due to problems on a GNSS satellite / interference due to significant ionospheric phenomena) an Alert (red traffic light) or a Warning (yellow traffic light) relating to the signal status in the selected map region 

In both Alert and Warning conditions, flight with navigation based exclusively on GNSS is strongly discouraged, as the signal performance is not as reliable as nominal performance.

The signal status is relative to reference conditions with respect to the ground. The service does not take into account the morphology of the terrain, or the actual condition of the drone - in other words, the GNSS signal could work in a nominal way (ie on the map there are no alarms) but if the user is inside a gorge or in the shadow of an obstacle, however the GNSS communication could be impaired and the flight affected. It is therefore recommended to also pay attention to the information available on the GCS.

Finally, in the event of an alarm, by clicking on the detail expansion arrow it is possible to consult the following values ​​on the GNSS signal:

- Minimum HDOP: index of the quality of the satellite arrangement in the horizontal reference condition
- Minimum VDOP: index of the quality of the satellite arrangement in the vertical reference condition
- Minimum elevation: the minimum elevation in degrees between the satellites visible in the reference condition (useful for evaluating the width of the local horizon, or the degree of visibility of the drone)
- Hor error: the estimate of the error in meters in the horizontal reference condition
- Error Up: the estimate of the error in meters in the vertical reference condition
- HPL: maximum horizontal error in meters estimated by EGNOS in the reference condition
- VPL: maximum vertical error in meters estimated by EGNOS in the reference condition

Detailed instructions on the service are given in the User Manual.


13. New Management of Operator States and Declarations


The new management of statuses of Operators and Declarations provides for the identification of new statuses of both the Operator and Declarations.

In detail, the statuses of a SAPR Operator will be:





The statuses of the Declarations will be:





Status transitions can occur in two ways:

  1. Manual status transitions: they occur downstream of operations that the operator performs in the D-Flight system.

  2. Automatic status transitions: they occur automatically based on the occurrence of other events.

It is specified that certain status transitions may arise from actions performed by the Operator and other transitions may arise in the face of actions performed by Authority (eg: Enac users) on the D-Flight system (eg: Temporary Suspension and / or Revocation actions indefinite of an Operator, established by the Authority, in the face of certain violations / infractions and with a request to follow certain prescriptions indicated by the Authority, to resolve the operating block due to temporary suspension or indefinite revocation).

The statuses of the Operator and his Declarations will always be visible and available on the various graphic interfaces of the system.

Compared to the current status management, the main changes are the following:

  • Once the mandatory legal consents for accreditation as an Operator have been given, it will no longer be possible to remove the legal consents. If you want to remove the operator consents required by law, the only operation that can be carried out is the "Operator Cancellation", which will result in the lack of opportunity to exercise the role of SAPR Operator.

  • If an operator is in the CANCEL status, he can reactivate himself as an operator at any time. It will be necessary to confirm or modify the data already present in the system and explicitly give back the mandatory legal consents.

  • By decision and as a consequence of actions carried out on the system by the Authority (eg: Enac users), an Operator may automatically transit into a suspended or revoked or canceled status, with motivation specified by the Authority user at the time of execution of Suspension, Revocation or Cancellation.

  • It will be the responsibility of the Authority to justify the choice of a revocation / suspension / cancellation of a user, indicating by email the prescriptions expected by the Authority, without the carrying out of which, the Operator will not be able to obtain the release of the operating status, both in case of temporary block (ie: Suspension) and in the event of indefinite block (ie: Revocation).

  • Declarations' statuses always reflect the statuses of the operator who created them.
    So every time an operator changes status, all the declarations associated with it will also change status in a manner consistent with the operator.
    This is always true, except in one case. In fact, when the operator in the CANCELED state requests re-accreditation as an operator, he transits into the ACTIVE status, but his statements will remain in the CANCELED status. You will need to create new declarations.

  • An operator in a status other than ACTIVE will not be able to carry out operational actions with their drones.

From the day of introduction of the new status management described here, all the statuses of operators and declarations already present in the system will be automatically updated based on the logic of the new statuses described here.

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